
Lightweight Archive File Manager for macOS


Viewing Items

Creating New Archives

Removing Items


Adding Items

Searching for Items

Protecting with Password

Supports Multiple File Formats

Creating, updating, browsing, unpacking and displaying items from files of the following types:

  • zip, 7z, jar, tar, wim

  • taz, tgz, tbz2, txz, xar, iso (no updating)

  • Z, gz, bz2, xz (no updating)

Browsing, unpacking and displaying items from files of the following types:

  • rar, arj, lha, lzh, cpio, rpm, cab, lzma, udf

  • vdi, vmdk, vhd, msi, hfs, fat, sfs, chm

Handling Password Protected Archives

  • zip

  • 7z

  • rar (unpack only)

Search for Files in Archives

You can seach for files in archives without unpacking they.

Use part of file name or regular expression.

Well Integrated with OS

Quick Look

Drag & Drop

Full Screen Mode

Touch Bar Support

Dark and Light Modes


Quick Look Plugin for

Displaying Archives

Just hit Space Bar on an archive file in any program that supports Quick Look (for instance in Finder) to display archive content. And you can browse it too.

Dark and Light Modes